Thursday, October 9, 2008


Reggae is a form of music developed primarily on the small island of Jamaica in the 1960's. Throughout this tiny nation's difficult history, reggae artists have sought to express the plight and struggle of their people. The theme of struggle in reggae can be depicted by the song " Welcome to Jamrock" by Damian Marley. In this song he uses the theme of imagery to talk about the city of Trenchtown.
In the song there are many lines that can be uses as evidence toward this general theme. One of the first line that straight up gets to the point is "Welcome to Jamdown, poor people a dead at random". This line is saying that the people of Jamaica can not even afford enough money to spend on food for there own survival. A second example is "Come on let's face it, a ghetto education's basic most a the youths them waste it". This line is saying that the youth, kids in grade school, aren't even using what little education they have. Without the youth getting education at school the country will have any smart people to keep it going.

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